
So this is the sort of loop idea I have for the dolls house at the moment.
Starting in the bottom right,

1 - Butcher cutting off a horses head, it regrows in the loop, he turns and places it on a plate.
2 - The camera would follow the plate up into the next room
3 - Two guys sitting at the table, 1 guy (Dad) constantly eating, the dad will press a button that sends the plate upwards
4 - The plate comes and the kid starts to eat the horse head, when finished he chucks the plate behind him smashing.
5 - As the guy is eating you follow the smell/vapor upwards into the guy with the flower.
6 - The guy notices the smell and starts to feel sick by holding his mouth, and throws up on the flower.

(Notice the eyeballs in the middle of the house)

Quite like the Beauty and the Beast Rose in the glass.

I have a few more ideas but yet I need more rooms with loop actions in to link them up, I will upload as soon as I get more done.

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